State trigger

State trigger watches devices state.

system: trigger provider: state introduced in v0.1

State trigger watches devices updates and reacts if actual state matches state defined in the config.

Configuration options

Param Required Type Default Description
logic one of or, and or Defines whether trigger should react on any or all state match
delay seconds 0 Defines whether trigger should react with delay. If delay is specified and after N seconds state not matches, trigger doesn’t react
pessimistic bool false If set to true, trigger reacts even upon first device load
devices yes List of devices to watch

Device definition

Param Required Type Default Description
device yes string Glob-based device ID to watch
property yes string Property name to watch
state either state or mapper Property desired state
mapper either state or mapper string Property mapper, must return bool


The following example demonstrates two triggers reacting on motion sensor and turning on lights at 80% brightness for 60 seconds:

system: trigger
provider: state
name: hallway lights on
logic: and
  - device: mqtt.sensor.hallway
    property: "on"
    state: true
  - device: hue.light.group_hallway
    property: "on"
    state: false
  - system: device
    entity: hue.light.group_hallway
    command: "on"
  - system: device
    entity: hue.light.group_hallway
    command: set-brightness
    args: 80


system: trigger
provider: state
name: hallway lights off
logic: and
delay: 60
  - device: mqtt.sensor.hallway
    property: "on"
    state: false
  - device: hue.light.group_hallway
    property: "on"
    state: true
  - system: device
    entity: hue.light.group_hallway
    command: "off"

The following example will turn off lights if no motions was detected after the last camera update:

system: trigger
provider: state
name: hallway lights off
  - device: hallway_camera.*
    property: distance
    mapper: num(payload) <= 5
  - system: device
    entity: group.hallway_lights
    command: "off"