
Triggers system is responsible for reacting on various events occured in the go-home system.

system: trigger introduced in v0.1

Trigger system is responsible for reacting on state-changes events. As an output, triggers can change state of any device or start other actions.

Configuration options

Param Required Type Default Description
name yes string Name of the trigger. Used as prefix for entity ID
activeHrs string in “Kitchen” format If specified, this time range is used for limiting trigger actions. For example 12:00PM-03:00PM makes trigger to react for 3 hrs after noon only
actions at least one List of trigger actions

Trigger action

Describes which actions should be taken if trigger is in triggered state. Actions will be executed one by one.

Param Required Type Default Description
system yes string Describes which system this action belongs to
entity yes string Glob-based entity ID which should be called

Action systems

  • device – invokes device command.
  • notification – sends a notification.

Device command action

Param Required Type Default Description
command yes string Command which should be called
args List of arguments to pass to command


system: trigger
provider: cron
name: cron-tr
schedule: "*/1 * * * *"
  - system: device
    entity: hue.light.c_lr_lamp
    command: "on"

Notification system action

Param Required Type Default Description
message string Message to send. If message is not specified, trigger will send its name instead


system: trigger
provider: cron
name: cron-tr
schedule: "*/1 * * * *"
  - system: notification
    entity: my_place.*
    message: Minute has passed