k8s config map

Allows to integrate with k8s config maps and use them as a storage.

system: config provider: k8s introduced in v0.1

k8s provider attempts to load configuration from config map. Config map can have any amount of records. Naming convention follows the same as a local FS provider.

WARN Binary data is not supported.

Configuration options

Param Required Type Default Description
config-map string default/go-home Specifies namespace and config map name to use


The following example will load data from go-home-server config map in default namespace:

./go-home \
    -c provider:k8s \
    -c config-map:default/go-home-server

The following examples show how you can organize your config map:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: go-home-server
  config.yaml: |-
    system: go-home
    type: master
    port: 8000
    delayedStart: 0

  hubs.yaml: |-
    system: device
    provider: hub/hue
    name: hue
      name: worker-1

Alternatively you can upload all files from a folder using the following command:

kubectl create configmap go-home-server --from-file=/path/to/your/configs/