
system: device provider: sensor/bme280 introduced in v0.1 internalPull temperature Arch restricted: arm GPIO: I2C

bme280 are cheap environmental sensors which provides information about current atmospheric pressure, temperature and humidity.

Example pinout

bme280 PCB Description RPi Pin
VCC +3.3V 17
GND Ground 9
SCL I2C Clock 5
SDA I2C Data 3

Configuration options

Param Required Type Default Description
device yes int 1 Device ID to use. Final device address is /dev/i2c-<device>
address yes int 0x76 I2C address, usually should be printed on a board. The most common ones are 0x76 and 0x77
pollingInterval int 30 Interval in seconds to wait between pulling updates from the device

Supported properties

Property Type Description
temperature float Current temperature
humidity float Current humidity
pressure float Current atmospheric pressure


system: device
provider: sensor/bme280
name: kitchen
device: 1
address: 0x76
pollingInterval: 12
  name: worker-static-1