
system: device provider: hub/xiaomi introduced in v0.1 internalPush

WARN Xiaomi Hub must be executed on a hostNetwork (static workers ih the Helm chart).

Plugin provides control of Xiaomi hub.

WARN Right now only one gateway is supported within the same sub-network.

It utilizes developers’ API and requires certain configuration through the mobile app first:

Open the app, select your hub and click on its options (three dots at the upper right corner)

Tab repeatedly on the empty space under the Gameplay tutorial menu option. Three more options will pop up.

Select second new option, enable switch option and press OK to save changes – this will enable development API. Note your gateway password 09F859F7B23A46BE in the screenshot.

Configuration options

Param Required Type Default Description
ip yes ipv4 IP address of the gateway
key yes string Gateway password
units string metric Unit of measure used by the gateway. It’s unclear right now whether gateway always uses Metric system or is it possible to change

Supported devices

  • Gateway LED
  • Temperature/humidity sensors
  • Motion sensors
  • Magnets
  • Switches

Supported properties

Gateway LED

Property Type Description
on bool Flag indicating whether device is on
brightness percent Current brightness level
color {r,g,b} Current color

Temperature/humidity sensor

Property Type Description
temperature float Current temperature
humidity float Current humidity
battery_level percent Current battery level

Motion sensor

Property Type Description
on bool Flag indicating whether motion is detected
battery_level percent Current battery level


Property Type Description
on bool Flag indicating whether magnet is in the opened state
battery_level percent Current battery level


Click states are staying on for 5 seconds.

Property Type Description
click bool Flag indicating whether single click is detected
double_click bool Flag indicating whether double click is detected
press bool Flag indicating whether long press is detected
battery_level percent Current battery level

Supported commands

Gateway LED

Command Input Description
on Turns the device on
off Turns the device off
toggle Toggles the device state
set-brightness percent Sets the device brightness
set-color {r,g,b} For colorful bulbs sets color


system: device
provider: hub/xiaomi
name: xiaomi
key: 09F859F7B23A46BE
units: metric