
System to share and control SmartThings device states over MQTT.

chart: smartthings repo

SmartThings bridge allows you to control Samsung SmartThings devices through the MQTT broker. Consider using VolantMQ as a broker.

WARN Bridge requires static MAC address.

Assuming that you’re using MetalLB for the k8s load balancing, make sure that you’re deploying Bridge to the same node.

Get node names running:

kubectl get nodes

Add label to the selected node, e.g.:

kubectl label nodes k8s-agent-3 static=true

And use node’s MAC address in your MQTT Bridge device.

Configuration options

Section Param Default Description
nameOverride Use this to override name of the chart
namespace default Namespace to install app into
nodeSelector static: true List of node labels to deploy to
image gohomeio/smartthings Image name
tag 1.1.0 Image tag
pullPolicy IfNotPresent When to pull an image
cpu.requests 100m CPU request for the bridge
cpu.limits 100m CPU limit for the bridge
memory.requests 40Mi Memory request for the bridge
memory.limits 60Mi Memory limit for the bridge
port 8081 Bridge port, exposed through service
type LoadBalancer Type of exposed service. Defaults to load balancer
loadBalancerIP Static IP to use for the service. Might be useful since you need to lock this address in the Smart Things IDE
app volantmq.default.svc.cluster.local:1883 MQTT broker host
mqtt.username gohome MQTT broker username
mqtt.password password MQTT broker password
preface smartthings MQTT topics preface MQTT state topic suffix
suffix.state.write MQTT set state topic suffix
suffix.cmd MQTT command topic suffix