Basic Auth

Simple file-based Basic Auth provider.

system: security provider: basic introduced in v0.1

This is a simple provider which looks for default Basic Auth header and validates against users from a local file of secret storage.

Local file

File should be located in configs folder and named _users.

To generate a password user_pwd for a new user user_name run:

htpasswd -B -n user_name

And add it as a new line into _users file:


Provider checks Authorization: Basic header. You can use it with curl:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Basic $(echo -n user_name:user_pwd | base64)"  http://localhost:8000/api/v1/device

Secrets storage

Just place username:password into your secrets storage.

Configuration options

This provider doesn’t have any configuration options and is loaded by default if no other providers are specified.