
zap logger provider.

system: logger provider: zap introduced in v0.1

zap is an extremely fast structured logger by Uber.

Configuration options

Param Required Type Default Description
target yes string console Log target

Supported targets

  • console – outputs everything to the standard console. History is unavailable.
  • influxDB – outputs everything to the influxDB. History is available

influxDB target configuration

Logger will try to create a new database upon startup.

WARN Logger won't change retention policy of the existing database.
Param Required Type Default Description
address yes string InfluxDB server address
username yes string Username for InfluxDB connection
password yes string Password for InfluxDB connection
database yes string Database to use
retention string 7d Retention policy duration for the database. You can check format here
batchSize int 10 Number of records to store in-memory before performing a transaction