
OpenSky network data feeder with in-build dump1090-mutability utils.

chart: opensky repo website

This application will collect parsed air traffic data and send it to OpenSky.

Prepare cluster

Before installing this app you need to select k8s worker which will have ADS-B USB Receiver connected. In particular you need to disable a few kernel drivers. SSH into the worker and run the following command:

sudo rmmod dvb_usb_rtl28xxu rtl2832 rtl2830

If you see something like this, you’re good.

rmmod: ERROR: Module dvb_usb_rtl28xxu is not currently loaded
rmmod: ERROR: Module rtl2832 is not currently loaded
rmmod: ERROR: Module rtl2830 is not currently loaded

Otherwise add a blacklist to prevent them from loading after reboot:

echo 'blacklist dvb_usb_rtl28xxu blacklist rtl2832 blacklist rtl2830' > /etc/modprobe.d/block.conf

Configuration options

Section Param Default Description
nameOverride Use this to override name of the chart
namespace default Namespace to install app into
nodeSelector List of selectors to bind deployment to specific node
lat Your latitude
lon Your longitude. You can use WhatsMyGPS to retrieve your data
alt Your altitude. You can use WhatAltitude to retrieve your altitude
serial Serial of your receiver. If you’re launching this for the first time, check auto-generated number in the logs, put it in your values file and upgrade the app. Alternatively you can check its number in your OpenSky dashboard
user Your OpenSky username
image gohomeio/opensky Docker image
tag 1.0.0 Docker image version
pullPolicy IfNotPresent When to pull an image
cpu.requests 200m CPU request for the feeder
cpu.limits 400m CPU limit for the feeder
memory.requests 100Mi Memory request for the feeder
memory.limits 200Mi Memory limit for the feeder
enabled false Flag indicating whether ingress should be created
host Ingress host
ingressAnnotations Træfik-specific Annotations to apply to ingress

Default ingress annotations traefik "basic" "k8s-auth" https true

For basic-auth secret you need to generate passwords file first:

htpasswd -c ./auth <your_user>

And then create a secret

kubectl create secret generic k8s-auth --from-file=auth -n <namespace>